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Great job! I can’t express how much I apreciate it when a professional takes the time to write down an all-embracing “how-to”, including all the details he found during many hours of researches. We’re using SCCM 2007 for OS-Deployment since 2 years already and I stopped to count the attemps and the hours I already wasted to research and investigate in this toppic. Just a week ago I tried again to assign the most recent updates to our gold-image since it was the time to update it anyway with some other contents. I was googeling about 4 days went through 20+ blogs and found almost 80% of the hints you provide in your summary as well, but it still did not work for us, probably because we are working in a “worst case environment for SCCM” (native mode, WINS disabled…). Finally I guess that the last missing thing in our environment was the “Allow HTTP Communication for roaming and site assignment“ as well as the “Trigger Scan for Updates” step”.
Thanks to you, everything works fine now and I can celebrate the birth of our first “UpToDate-Gold-Image”. Thanks a lot and best regards
Glad to hear Rudolf! Congrats on the new image!
Hi Mathias,
Many thanks for taking the time to post this. I’m hoping you can offer a little advice.
I’m running SCCM 2007r3 in mixed mode, with WSUS installed on the same server but as a standalone WSUS (not integrated with SCCM). Should I be able to get your method to work?
I’ve had a go but my TS fails at the scanforupdates step, giving this error:
The task sequence execution engine failed executing the action (Install Software Updates) in the group (Install Software) with the error code 2147942402 Action output: ommon\inc\ccmxml.h,566) spPolicyNode.selectNode( L”%s”, &spPolicyRuleNode, true, PolicyXMLNames::PolicyRuleElement ), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\osdeployment\installswupdate\installswupdate.cpp,563) GetPolicyDetails(spPolicyNode, sPolicyID, sPolicyVersion, sPolicyType, sPolicySource, sPolicyRuleID), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\osdeployment\installswupdate\installswupdate.cpp,636) CompileSUMPolicies(TS::EnvironmentVar::ScanToolPolicy), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\osdeployment\installswupdate\installswupdate.cpp,994) InstallUpdates(pInstallUpdate, tType, sJobID, ulCookie), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\osdeployment\installswupdate\main.cpp,279) Setting TSEnv variable SMSTSInstallUpdateJobGUID= Process(pInstallUpdate, tType), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\osdeployment\installswupdate\main.cpp,349) Failed to retrieve ‘PolicyRule’ from SUM policy. The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 80070002; Source: Windows). The operating system reported error 2147942402: The system cannot find the file specified.
I wasn’t really expecting it to work because there is another part of the process that I haven’t worked out yet. At the end of your guide you say “create a Software Update Package that you advertise to the same collection that your Build and Capture Task Sequence is advertised to.” I haven’t done this yet because I’m not sure what it means but I’m guessing that it refers to installs of WSUS that are integrated into SCCM.
Also, I created a package containing the vbs script and specified this package in the scan for updates TS step. Is this the correct way to reference the script?
Any ideas would be most gratefully received!
Thanks again.