Report of all Packages in a Folder

Yes, you can place the cursor on the Package Folder in the SCCM-console and select
Show->Export List to export all packages in a folder. BUT. There seems to be a limit to maximum 500 packages so you will not get all packages in your folder if you have a lot of them. AND maybe someone in management want the report as a webreport too… So here are the three things you need to do.

1. Create the Report. Easy, I’ve got it here for you:

SELECT v_Package.PackageID, v_Package.Name, vSMS_Folders.Name AS Expr1
 vFolderMembers ON v_Package.PackageID = vFolderMembers.InstanceKey INNER JOIN
 vSMS_Folders ON vFolderMembers.ContainerNodeID = vSMS_Folders.ContainerNodeID
WHERE (vSMS_Folders.Name LIKE @Foldername)

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Bitlocker Status Report

With Windows 7, creating a report in SCCM for all your computers is really simple. First you need to expand your sms_def.mof file to gather the Bitlocker status data that is stored in WMI on your clients.

Insert this at the bottom of
%Program Files%\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\clifiles.src\hinv\sms_def.mof 

[ SMS_Report (TRUE),

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